Source: smart-chat-model/adapters/_api.js

import { SmartHttpRequest } from "smart-http-request";
import { SmartStreamer } from '../streamer.js'; // move to smart-http-request???
import { SmartChatModelAdapter } from './_adapter.js';

 * Base class for API adapters to handle various chat model platforms.
 * @extends SmartChatModelAdapter
export class SmartChatModelApiAdapter extends SmartChatModelAdapter {
  constructor(main) {

   * Get the request adapter class.
   * @returns {SmartChatModelRequestAdapter} The request adapter class.
  get req_adapter() { return SmartChatModelRequestAdapter; }

   * Get the response adapter class.
   * @returns {SmartChatModelResponseAdapter} The response adapter class.
  get res_adapter() { return SmartChatModelResponseAdapter; }

  get http_adapter() {
      if(this.main.opts.http_adapter) this._http_adapter = this.main.opts.http_adapter;
      else this._http_adapter = new SmartHttpRequest();
    return this._http_adapter;

   * Count the number of tokens in a given request.
   * @param {Object} req - The request object.
   * @throws {Error} Throws an error if not implemented in the subclass.
  async count_tokens(req) { throw new Error("count_tokens not implemented"); }

   * Get the available models from the platform.
   * @param {boolean} [refresh=false] - Whether to refresh the cached models.
   * @returns {Promise<Array<Object>>} An array of model objects.
  async get_models(refresh=false) {
      if(Array.isArray(this.platform.models)) return this.platform.models;
      else throw new Error("models_endpoint or models array is required in platforms.json");
    if(!refresh && this.platform_settings?.models) return this.platform_settings.models; // return cached models if not refreshing
    if(!this.api_key) {
      console.warn('No API key provided to retrieve models');
      return [];
    try {
      const response = await this.http_adapter.request({
        url: this.models_endpoint,
        method: this.models_endpoint_method,
        headers: {
          'Authorization': `Bearer ${this.api_key}`,
      const model_data = this.parse_model_data(await response.json());
      this.platform_settings.models = model_data;
      return model_data;
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Failed to fetch model data:', error);
      return [];

   * Parses the raw model data from OpenAI API and transforms it into a more usable format.
   * @param {Object} model_data - The raw model data received from OpenAI API.
   * @returns {Array<Object>} An array of parsed model objects with the following properties:
   *   @property {string} model_name - The name/ID of the model as returned by the API.
   *   @property {string} key - The key used to identify the model (usually same as model_name).
   *   @property {boolean} multimodal - Indicates if the model supports multimodal inputs.
   *   @property {number} [max_input_tokens] - The maximum number of input tokens the model can process.
   *   @property {string} [description] - A description of the model's context and output capabilities.
  parse_model_data(model_data) {
    throw new Error("parse_model_data not implemented"); // requires platform-specific implementation

   * Completes a chat request.
   * @param {Object} req - The request object.
   * @returns {Promise<Object>} The completed chat response in OpenAI format.
  async complete(req) {
    const _req = new this.req_adapter(this, {
    const request_params = _req.to_platform();
    // console.log('request_params', request_params);
    const http_resp = await this.http_adapter.request(request_params);
    if(!http_resp) return null;
    // console.log('http_resp', http_resp);
    const _res = new this.res_adapter(this, await http_resp.json());
      return _res.to_openai();
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error in SmartChatModelApiAdapter.complete():', error);
      return null;

  async stream(req, handlers={}) {
    const _req = new this.req_adapter(this, req);
    const request_params = _req.to_openai();
    const full_text = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      try {
        this.active_stream = new SmartStreamer(this.endpoint_streaming, request_params);
        let curr_text = "";
        this.active_stream.addEventListener("message", (e) => {
          if(this.is_end_of_stream(e)) {
            return resolve(curr_text);
          let text_chunk = this.get_text_chunk_from_stream(e);
          if(!text_chunk) return;
          curr_text += text_chunk;
          handlers.chunk(text_chunk); // call the chunk handler if it exists
        // unnecessary?
        this.active_stream.addEventListener("readystatechange", (e) => {
          if (e.readyState >= 2) console.log("ReadyState: " + e.readyState);
        this.active_stream.addEventListener("error", (e) => {
          handlers.error("*API Error. See console logs for details.*");
      } catch (err) {
    handlers.done(full_text); // handled in complete()
    return full_text;

   * Check if the event indicates the end of the stream.
   * @param {Event} event - The event object.
   * @returns {boolean} True if the event indicates the end of the stream, false otherwise.
  is_end_of_stream(event) {
    if(typeof this.adapter?.is_end_of_stream === 'function') return this.adapter.is_end_of_stream(event);
    return === "[DONE]"; // use default OpenAI format

   * Stop the active stream.
  stop_stream() {
    if (this.active_stream) {
      this.active_stream = null;

   * Get the text chunk from the stream event.
   * @param {Event} event - The stream event.
   * @returns {string} The text chunk.
  get_text_chunk_from_stream(event) {
    let resp = null;
    let text_chunk = '';
    // DO: is this try/catch still necessary?
    try {
      resp = JSON.parse(;
      text_chunk = resp.choices[0].delta.content;
    } catch (err) {
      if ('}{') > -1) =}{/g, '},{');
      resp = JSON.parse(`[${}]`);
      resp.forEach((r) => {
        if (r.choices) text_chunk += r.choices[0].delta.content;
    return text_chunk;

   * Get the model configuration.
   * @returns {Object} The model configuration.
  get model_config() {
    return {
      temperature: this.temperature || 0.3,
      n: this.choices || 1,
      model: this.model_key,
      max_tokens: this.max_output_tokens || 10000,
      // DO: Needs review
      top_p: 1,
      presence_penalty: 0,
      frequency_penalty: 0,

   * Get the API key.
   * @returns {string} The API key.
  get api_key() {
    return this.main.opts.api_key // opts added at init take precedence
      || this.platform_settings?.api_key // then platform settings


   * Get the number of choices.
   * @returns {number} The number of choices.
  get choices() { return this.platform_settings.choices; }

   * Get the default model configuration.
   * @returns {Object} The default model configuration.
  get default_model_config() { return this.models.find(m => m.key === this.model_key) || {}; }

   * Get the models.
   * @returns {Array} An array of model objects.
  get models() { return this.platform_settings.models || this.platform.models || []; }

  get models_endpoint() { return this.platform.models_endpoint; }
  get models_endpoint_method() { return 'POST'; }

   * Get the endpoint URL.
   * @returns {string} The endpoint URL.
  get endpoint() { return this.platform.endpoint; }

   * Get the streaming endpoint URL.
   * @returns {string} The streaming endpoint URL.
  get endpoint_streaming() { return this.platform.endpoint_streaming || this.endpoint; }

   * Get the model key.
   * @returns {string} The model key.
  get model_key() {
    return this.main.opts.model_key // opts added at init take precedence
      || this.platform_settings.model_key // then platform settings

   * Get the maximum output tokens.
   * @returns {number} The maximum output tokens.
  get max_output_tokens() { return this.platform_settings.max_output_tokens || this.default_model_config.max_output_tokens; }

   * Get the platform object.
   * @returns {Object} The platform object.
  get platform() { return this.main.platform; }

  get platform_key() { return this.main.platform_key; }

   * Get the platform settings.
   * @returns {Object} The platform settings.
  get platform_settings() {
    if(!this.settings[this.platform_key]) this.settings[this.platform_key] = {};
    return this.settings[this.platform_key];

  get settings() { return this.main.settings; }

   * Get the temperature.
   * @returns {number} The temperature.
  get temperature() { return this.platform_settings.temperature; }

 * Base class for request adapters to handle various input schemas and convert them to OpenAI schema.
export class SmartChatModelRequestAdapter {
   * @constructor
   * @param {SmartChatModelAdapter} adapter - The SmartChatModelAdapter instance.
   * @param {Object} req - The incoming request object.
  constructor(adapter, req = {}) {
    this.adapter = adapter;
    this._req = req;

   * @getter
   * @returns {Array} An array of message objects.
  get messages() {
    return this._req.messages || [];

   * @getter
   * @returns {string} The model identifier.
  get model() {
    return this._req.model;

   * @getter
   * @returns {number} The temperature setting for response generation.
  get temperature() {
    return this._req.temperature;

   * @getter
   * @returns {number} The maximum number of tokens to generate.
  get max_tokens() {
    return this._req.max_tokens;

   * @getter
   * @returns {boolean} Whether to stream the response.
  get stream() {

   * @getter
   * @returns {Array} An array of tool objects.
  get tools() {
    return || null;

  get tool_choice() {
    return this._req.tool_choice || null;

   * Get the headers for the request.
   * @returns {Object} Headers object.
  get_headers() {
    const headers = {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      ...(this.adapter.platform.headers || {}),

    if(this.adapter.platform.api_key_header !== 'none') {
      if (this.adapter.platform.api_key_header){
        headers[this.adapter.platform.api_key_header] = this.adapter.api_key;
      }else if(this.adapter.api_key) {
        headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${this.adapter.api_key}`;

    return headers;

  to_platform() { return this.to_openai(); }

   * Convert the request to OpenAI schema and include full request parameters.
   * @returns {Object} Request parameters object in OpenAI schema.
  to_openai() {
    const body = {
      messages: this._transform_messages_to_openai(),
      model: this.model,
      temperature: this.temperature,
      max_tokens: this.max_tokens,
      ...( && { tools: this._transform_tools_to_openai() }),
      ...(this._req.tool_choice && { tool_choice: this._req.tool_choice }),

    return {
      url: this.adapter.endpoint,
      method: 'POST',
      headers: this.get_headers(),
      body: JSON.stringify(body),

   * Transform messages to OpenAI format.
   * @returns {Array} Transformed messages array.
   * @private
  _transform_messages_to_openai() {
    return => this._transform_single_message_to_openai(message));

   * Transform a single message to OpenAI format.
   * @param {Object} message - The message object to transform.
   * @returns {Object} Transformed message object.
   * @private
  _transform_single_message_to_openai(message) {
    const transformed = {
      role: this._get_openai_role(message.role),
      content: this._get_openai_content(message.content),

    if ( =;
    if (message.tool_calls) transformed.tool_calls = this._transform_tool_calls_to_openai(message.tool_calls);
    if (message.image_url) transformed.image_url = message.image_url;

    return transformed;

   * Get the OpenAI role for a given role.
   * @param {string} role - The role to transform.
   * @returns {string} The transformed role.
   * @private
  _get_openai_role(role) {
    // Override in subclasses if needed
    return role;

   * Get the OpenAI content for a given content.
   * @param {string} content - The content to transform.
   * @returns {string} The transformed content.
   * @private
  _get_openai_content(content) {
    // Override in subclasses if needed
    return content;

   * Transform tool calls to OpenAI format.
   * @param {Array} tool_calls - Array of tool call objects.
   * @returns {Array} Transformed tool calls array.
   * @private
  _transform_tool_calls_to_openai(tool_calls) {
    return => ({
      tool_name: tool_call.tool_name,
      parameters: tool_call.parameters

   * Transform tools to OpenAI format.
   * @returns {Array} Transformed tools array.
   * @private
  _transform_tools_to_openai() {
    return => ({
      type: tool.type,
      function: {
        description: tool.function.description,
        parameters: tool.function.parameters,

 * Base class for response adapters to handle various output schemas and convert them to OpenAI schema.
export class SmartChatModelResponseAdapter {
   * @constructor
   * @param {SmartChatModelAdapter} adapter - The SmartChatModelAdapter instance.
   * @param {Object} res - The response object.
  constructor(adapter, res = {}) {
    this.adapter = adapter;
    this._res = res;

  get id() {
    return || null;

  get object() {
    return this._res.object || null;

  get created() {
    return this._res.created || null;

  get choices() {
    return this._res.choices || [];

  get tool_call() {
    return this.message.tool_calls?.[0] || null;

  get tool_name() {
    return this.tool_call?.tool_name || null;
  get tool_call_content() {
    return this.tool_call?.parameters || null;

  get usage() {
    return this._res.usage || null;

   * Convert the response to OpenAI schema.
   * @returns {Object} Response object in OpenAI schema.
  to_openai() {
    return {
      object: this.object,
      created: this.created,
      choices: this._transform_choices_to_openai(),
      usage: this._transform_usage_to_openai(),
      raw: this._res,

   * Transform choices to OpenAI format.
   * @returns {Array} Transformed choices array.
   * @private
  _transform_choices_to_openai() {
    return => ({
      index: choice.index,
      message: this._transform_message_to_openai(choice.message),
      finish_reason: this._get_openai_finish_reason(choice.finish_reason),

   * Transform a single message to OpenAI format.
   * @param {Object} message - The message object to transform.
   * @returns {Object} Transformed message object.
   * @private
  _transform_message_to_openai(message) {
    const transformed = {
      role: this._get_openai_role(message.role),
      content: this._get_openai_content(message.content),

    if ( =;
    if (message.tool_calls) transformed.tool_calls = this._transform_tool_calls_to_openai(message.tool_calls);
    if (message.image_url) transformed.image_url = message.image_url;

    return transformed;

   * Get the OpenAI role for a given role.
   * @param {string} role - The role to transform.
   * @returns {string} The transformed role.
   * @private
  _get_openai_role(role) {
    // Override in subclasses if needed
    return role;

   * Get the OpenAI content for a given content.
   * @param {string} content - The content to transform.
   * @returns {string} The transformed content.
   * @private
  _get_openai_content(content) {
    // Override in subclasses if needed
    return content;

   * Get the OpenAI finish reason for a given finish reason.
   * @param {string} finish_reason - The finish reason to transform.
   * @returns {string} The transformed finish reason.
   * @private
  _get_openai_finish_reason(finish_reason) {
    // Override in subclasses if needed
    return finish_reason;

   * Transform usage to OpenAI format.
   * @returns {Object} Transformed usage object.
   * @private
  _transform_usage_to_openai() {
    // Override in subclasses if needed
    return this.usage;

   * Transform tool calls to OpenAI format.
   * @param {Array} tool_calls - Array of tool call objects.
   * @returns {Array} Transformed tool calls array.
   * @private
  _transform_tool_calls_to_openai(tool_calls) {
    return => ({
      type: tool_call.type,
      function: {
        arguments: tool_call.function.arguments,