* SmartMarkdown is a class designed to parse and manipulate markdown content
* based on specified configurations. It provides functionalities to extract
* specific blocks of text based on heading paths, handle exclusions of certain
* headings, and manage the size of text blocks according to maximum and minimum
* character limits.
class SmartMarkdown {
* Returns the default configuration for the SmartMarkdown parser.
* @returns {Object} Default configuration settings.
static get defaults() {
return {
excluded_headings: null, // comma separated list of headings to exclude
embed_input_max_chars: 1000, // max length of block
embed_input_min_chars: 10, // min length of block
skip_blocks_with_headings_only: false, // skip blocks that only contain headings
* Creates an instance of SmartMarkdown with the given configuration.
* @param {Object} config - User-defined configuration settings.
constructor(config) {
this.config = {...SmartMarkdown.defaults, ...config};
* Retrieves the list of headings to be excluded from parsing, if any.
* @returns {Array|null} An array of headings to exclude, or null if none.
get excluded_headings() { (this.config.excluded_headings?.length) ? this.config.excluded_headings.split(",").map((header) => header.trim()) : null; }
* Analyzes the markdown content to extract metadata about each heading.
* @param {string} content - The markdown content to analyze.
* @returns {Array} An array of objects containing metadata about each heading.
// WIP
get_headings_meta(content) {
return content.split('\n').reduce((acc, line, line_i, lines) => {
if (!this.is_heading(line)) return acc;
const chars_until_next_heading = lines.slice(line_i + 1).findIndex(line => this.is_heading(line));
const heading_level = line.split('#').length - 1;
const heading_text = line.replace(/#/g, '').trim();
acc.push = { line_i, heading_level, heading_text, chars_until_next_heading };
return acc;
}, []);
// v1
// get block from path
* Extracts a specific block of markdown based on a heading path.
* @param {string} block_path - The path to the block, specified as a series of headings.
* @param {string} markdown - The markdown content to parse.
* @param {Object} opts - Options for block extraction, such as character limits per line.
* @returns {string} The extracted block of markdown text.
get_block_from_path(block_path, markdown, opts={}){
// if block_path ends with # and only one # then returns content prior to first heading
if(block_path.endsWith('#') && block_path.split('#').length === 2) return markdown.split('#')[0];
if(!this.validate_block_path(block_path)) return markdown;
const {
chars_per_line = null,
max_chars = this.config.embed_input_max_chars,
min_chars = this.config.embed_input_min_chars,
} = opts;
const block = [];
const block_headings = block_path.split("#").slice(1);
let currentHeaders = [];
let begin_line = 0;
let is_code = false;
let char_count = 0;
let heading_occurrence = 0;
let occurrence_count = 0;
if(block_headings[block_headings.length-1].indexOf('{') > -1) {
heading_occurrence = parseInt(block_headings[block_headings.length-1].split('{')[1].replace('}', '')); // get the occurrence number
block_headings[block_headings.length-1] = block_headings[block_headings.length-1].split('{')[0]; // remove the occurrence from the last heading
const lines = markdown.split('\n');
let block_heading_level = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
const line = lines[i];
if(line.indexOf('```') === 0) is_code = !is_code; // if line begins with three backticks then toggle is_code
if(is_code) continue; // if is_code is true then add line with preceding tab and continue
if(['- ', '- [ ] '].indexOf(line) > -1) continue; // skip if line is empty bullet or checkbox
if (!this.is_heading(line)) continue; // skip if line is not a heading
block_heading_level = this.heading_level(line); // get the heading 'level'
const heading_text = line.replace(/#/g, '').trim(); // get the heading text
const heading_index = block_headings.indexOf(heading_text);
if (heading_index < 0) continue; // continue if heading text is not in block_headings
if (currentHeaders.length !== heading_index) continue; // if currentHeaders.length !== heading_index then we have a mismatch
currentHeaders.push(heading_text); // push the heading text to the currentHeaders array
if (currentHeaders.length === block_headings.length) { // if currentHeaders.length === block_headings.length then we have a match
if(heading_occurrence === 0){
begin_line = i + 1;
break; // break out of loop
if(occurrence_count === heading_occurrence){
begin_line = i + 1;
break; // break out of loop
occurrence_count++; // increment occurrence_count
currentHeaders.pop(); // reset currentHeaders
if (begin_line === 0) return ''; // if no begin_line then heading not found
is_code = false; // iterate through lines starting at begin_line
for (let i = begin_line; i < lines.length; i++) {
let line = lines[i];
// if(line.trim().length === 0) continue; // if line is empty, skip // DO: make this configurable
if(this.is_heading(line) && (this.heading_level(line) <= block_heading_level)) break; // if line is a heading and heading_level is less than or equal to block_heading_level, break
// validate/format
if (chars_per_line && (line.length > chars_per_line)) line = line.slice(0, chars_per_line) + "..."; // limit length of line to N characters
if (line.startsWith("```")) is_code = !is_code; // if line is a code block, skip
block.push(line); // add line to block
char_count += line.length; // increment char_count
if(max_chars && (char_count > max_chars)){
const diff = char_count - max_chars;
block[block.length-1] = block[block.length-1].slice(0, block[block.length-1].length - diff) + "...";
break; // break if char_count is greater than max_chars
if(max_chars && (max_chars - char_count < 10)) break; // break if max_chars - char_count is less than threshold
if (is_code) block.push("```"); // close code block if open
return block.join("\n").trim();
* Parses the markdown content and organizes it into structured blocks based on headings.
* @param {Object} params - Parameters containing content and optional file path.
* @returns {Object} An object containing parsed blocks and other metadata.
parse({ content, file_path='' }) {
// const file_breadcrumbs = this.file_path_to_breadcrumbs(file_path) + ": "; // add ":" to indicate beginning of heading breadcrumbs
const file_breadcrumbs = this.file_path_to_breadcrumbs(file_path); // add ":" to indicate beginning of heading breadcrumbs
// if is excalidraw file, block for 'Text Elements' heading only
if(file_path.endsWith('.excalidraw.md')) {
const excalidraw_block = this.get_block_from_path(file_path + "#Text Elements", content).replace('\n%%', '');
return {
blocks: [
text: excalidraw_block,
path: file_path + "#Text Elements",
length: excalidraw_block.length,
heading: "Text Elements",
log: [],
const output = content.split('\n') // split the markdown into lines
.reduce((acc, line, i, arr) => {
// if line is a heading or last line
if(this.is_heading(line) && (!acc.curr_level || !this.config.multi_heading_blocks || (this.heading_level(line) <= acc.curr_level) || (acc.curr.length > this.config.embed_input_max_chars))){
acc.curr_level = this.heading_level(line); // get the heading 'level'
acc.current_headers = acc.current_headers.filter(header => header.level < acc.curr_level); // remove any headers from the current headers array that are higher than the current header level
acc.current_headers.push({ header: line.replace(/#/g, '').trim(), level: acc.curr_level }); // add header and level to current headers array, trim the header to remove "#" and any trailing spaces
acc.start_line = i; // set the start line
acc.curr = file_breadcrumbs; // initialize the block breadcrumbs with file.path the current headers
if(acc.current_headers.length > 0) acc.curr += ": " + acc.current_headers.map(header => header.header).join(' > ');
acc.block_headings = "#" + acc.current_headers.map(header => header.header).join('#');
acc.block_path = file_path + acc.block_headings;
acc.curr_heading = line.replace(/#/g, '').trim();
return acc;
// if line is not a heading, add line to current block
if(acc.curr.indexOf("\n") === -1) acc.curr += ":"; // add ":" to indicate end of heading breadcrumbs
acc.curr += "\n" + line; // filter out empty lines and bullets
acc.curr_line = i; // set the current line
if (i === arr.length - 1) this.output_block(acc); // if last line, output the block
return acc;
}, { block_headings: '', block_headings_list: [], block_path: file_path + "#", curr: file_breadcrumbs, current_headers: [], blocks: [], log: [], start_line: 0, curr_line: 0, curr_heading: null })
return {
// remove properties that are exclusive to the reduce function
block_headings: undefined,
block_headings_list: undefined,
block_path: undefined,
curr: undefined,
current_headers: undefined,
* Handles duplicate headings by appending a unique identifier to the heading path.
* @param {Object} acc - The accumulator object used in reduce function.
// if block_headings is already in block_headings_list then add a number to the end
handle_duplicate_headings(acc) {
if (!acc.block_headings_list.includes(acc.block_headings)) return; // if block_headings is not in block_headings_list then return
let count = 1;
const uniqueHeadings = new Set(acc.block_headings_list);
while (uniqueHeadings.has(`${acc.block_headings}{${count}}`)) { count++; }
acc.block_headings = `${acc.block_headings}{${count}}`;
* Outputs the current block into the structured blocks array after validation.
* @param {Object} acc - The accumulator object used in reduce function.
// push the current block to the blocks array
output_block(acc) {
const { embed_input_max_chars, embed_input_min_chars } = this.config;
if(acc.curr.indexOf("\n") === -1) return acc.log.push(`Skipping empty block: ${acc.curr}`); // indicated by no newlines in block
if(!this.validate_heading(acc.block_headings)) return acc.log.push(`Skipping excluded heading: ${acc.block_headings}`);
if(acc.curr.length > embed_input_max_chars) acc.curr = acc.curr.substring(0, embed_input_max_chars); // trim block to max length
const text = acc.curr.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').trim();
const pcs = text.split('\n');
const block_length = pcs.slice(1).join('\n').trim().length;
const breadcrumbs_length = acc.curr.indexOf("\n") + 1; // breadcrumbs length (first line of block)
// const block_length = acc.curr.length - breadcrumbs_length;
if(block_length < embed_input_min_chars) return acc.log.push(`Skipping block shorter than min length: ${acc.curr}`); // skip if block is shorter than min length
if(this.config.skip_blocks_with_headings_only){ // skip if all lines are headings (except first line which is breadcrumbs)
const block_lines = text.split('\n');
const block_headings = block_lines.slice(1).filter(line => this.is_heading(line));
if(block_headings.length === block_lines.length - 1) return acc.log.push(`Skipping block with only headings: ${acc.curr}`);
path: acc.block_path,
length: block_length,
heading: acc.curr_heading,
lines: [acc.start_line, acc.curr_line],
}); // add block to blocks array
* Determines if a line of text should be considered as content.
* @param {string} line - The line of text to evaluate.
* @returns {boolean} True if the line is content, false otherwise.
is_content_line(line) {
// if (line === '') return false; // skip if line is empty // DO: make this configurable
if (['- ', '- [ ] '].indexOf(line) > -1) return false; // skip if line is empty bullet or checkbox
return true;
* Converts a file path to a breadcrumb string format.
* @param {string} file_path - The file path to convert.
* @returns {string} The breadcrumb string.
file_path_to_breadcrumbs(file_path) { return file_path.replace('.md', '').split('/').map(crumb => crumb.trim()).filter(crumb => crumb !== '').join(' > '); } // remove .md file extension and convert file_path to breadcrumb formatting
* Determines the level of a heading based on the number of '#' characters.
* @param {string} line - The heading line to evaluate.
* @returns {number} The level of the heading.
heading_level(line) { return line.split('#').length - 1; }
* Checks if a line is a heading.
* @param {string} line - The line to check.
* @returns {boolean} True if the line is a heading, false otherwise.
* @param {string} line - The line to check.
* @returns {boolean} True if the line is a heading, false otherwise.
is_heading(line) { return line.startsWith('#') && (['#', ' '].indexOf(line[1]) > -1); } // check if line is a heading (starts with # and second character is space or # indicating not a tag)
* Validates if the block path is correctly formatted to include at least one heading.
* @param {string} block_path - The block path to validate.
* @returns {boolean} True if the block path is valid, false otherwise.
validate_block_path(block_path) { return block_path.indexOf("#") > -1; } // validate block_path contains at least one "#"
* Validates a heading against the list of excluded headings.
* @param {string} headings - The heading to validate.
* @returns {boolean} True if the heading is not excluded, false if it is.
validate_heading(headings) { return !!!this.excluded_headings?.some(exclusion => headings.indexOf(exclusion) > -1); } // validate heading against excluded headings
exports.SmartMarkdown = SmartMarkdown;