* Converts a class name to its corresponding collection instance name.
* This function performs the following transformations:
* 1. Converts camelCase to snake_case
* 2. Makes the name plural (with special handling for words ending in 'y')
* 3. Handles the special case of names ending with 'Item'
* @param {string} class_name - The class name to convert (e.g., 'SmartEntity', 'CollectionItem')
* @returns {string} The converted collection instance name (e.g., 'smart_entities', 'collection')
* @example
* collection_instance_name_from('SmartEntity') // Returns 'smart_entities'
* collection_instance_name_from('CollectionItem') // Returns 'collection'
export function collection_instance_name_from(class_name) {
// Handle special case for 'CollectionItem'
if (class_name.endsWith('Item')) {
return class_name.replace(/Item$/, '').toLowerCase();
return class_name
.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2') // convert camelCase to snake_case
.toLowerCase() // convert to lowercase
.replace(/y$/, 'ie') // handle 'y' ending (e.g., Entity -> Entities)
+ 's'; // add 's' for plural